Sunday, October 29, 2006

Twelve Angry Men !!

"How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and, keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to know what really matters most.” well known said by Stephen Covey. I just trying to recall my fundamental beliefs and core values. How they take shape in the long run? Well, if you ask to any person what is his/her core values then I think most of them would come up with almost same answers. Do we really mean it? Do we really understand what it means? Don't give me answers like defination of all these terms may differ from person to person. I do agree about these facts. But, keep it aside for some time. Ultimatley, Just a gentle question am I in touch with my principles of life and how important are these in my life? Am I more concerned about the means than ends or viceversa?

Ways and means change many things. It really needs a great strength of character to keep your core values intact even if number of people are against you. Such type of thought trains were running in my mind when I saw an American black and white masterpiece of Henry Fonda called '12 Angry men'. Great performers, script, theme.. A movie about a murder case and a jury formed to resolve the mistery. 12 interesting characters in jury played different practical roles in a heated debate. A strong character actively stimulates and influences everyone. We love all of them. I won't tell the story ahead. But, a must see movie for everyone! I strongly recommend to see this classic of all times from one of the best actors Henry Fonda. You will find many pointers from this movie along with the above paragraph questions..

We do have a Hindi version of this movie but get the original one and enjoy :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kedar,
Will watch it for sure!!!!